Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The B above the We

The B Group. The B is the New A.
The A is a front to shadow the B.
And now its all bogus. The sad fact that I fell for the hi tech propaganda.
The end of recent blood shed came promised as Immediate.
Then 16.
Then 23.
And the We sit by,
watching them dramatize the situation with the chewing on of their silk ties.
And while its projecting off the boob tube for the youth seeking truth,
were missing the meeting of the B group with the A.

(Oh, Rabbit here's a carrot.)
Hotel Corridors have dancing puppets on the wall, 130 guests with strings attached to money, money, money.

(Out from behind the worlds closed windows)

What is that the We see?
The blank stare of the B and A easy peas mind.
They have peace cause they know they are going to end the pain for everyone, including themselves,by destroying EVERYTHING!


FL!P said...

Looks like your juggling lots of ideas; sadly they're coming out a bit too vague and fragmented. The power of an idea is always the most potent when you trim the fat and serve the meat. You know this.

All in love,

FL!P said...

Just not like you to be so indirect. It's almost safe, you know? You're a powerful writer. You've thrown a curve-ball. I'm sure whatever it is will manifest itself in an exciting conversation on the Kerouac trip. I'm so excited!